Indemnity Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastCell Number *Email *Birthday *What are you getting done?Can we put our work of you on our Socials? *YesNoMay we use your social media details, and contact details to market our promotions and news to you in future? *YesNoAre you HIV Positive?* *YesNoAre you Hepatitis B/C Positive?* *YesNoDo you Faint Easily?* *YesNoDo you have Heart Problems? *YesNoDo you have Epilepsy? *YesNoDo you have very High / Low Blood Sugar? *YesNoDo you have very Low Blood Pressure? *YesNoAre you a Diabetic? *YesNoAre you on Blood Thinning Medication? *YesNoDo you have any Allergies? *YesNoHave you had something to Eat Today? *YesNoHave you had Grandpa or Disprin or Effervescent Tablets Last Night or Today? *YesNoDo we need to know anything about your Medical StatusProfessional Body Piercing Training takes no responsibility for any harm that comes to you, the client due to not sharing truthful health information that could help us give you the best experience and healing period possible. *I AgreeI DisagreeI hereby allow Professional Body Piercing Training to do a tattoo/piercing procedure on my body, and set Professional Body Piercing Training free of any responsibility of complications due to my withholding information or not adhering to their aftercare rules. *I AgreeI DisagreeSubmit